Hydrangea Planting and Replanting: Best Practices Workshop
Hydrangea Planting and Replanting – Best Practices Workshop
Saturday, May 17
10 am-12 pm
This small-group, hands-on workshop session is geared toward gardeners who wish to learn more about Heritage’s successful practices associated with the very important garden chores of planting and replanting. This is a true “dirt under the fingernails” program, and while it focuses on hydrangeas, the practices are largely universal to most of the woody ornamentals you would plant on Cape Cod. Major subjects that will be addressed include specifics on hydrangea species vs. site selection, planting area preparation, root pruning, soil composition and amending, mulching, fertilizing, watering, and hilling-in and wintering-over plants. Timing-wise, planting and replanting is typically a major mid-spring gardening activity as new plant stocks are just arriving at local plant nurseries.
In addition to sharing his best practices gained over many years of hydrangea growing, Mal Condon, Heritage’s Curator of Hydrangeas, will cover details of his special tools and techniques that facilitate this essential area of understanding. Plenty of time will be allotted for questions and discussion. Following the program, you’ll receive a PDF file including presentation content via email for your reference. Advance registration is required, and we expect this popular program to sell out quickly.
This program will take place rain or shine. In good weather, much of it will take place outdoors in the gardens. In the event of inclement weather, the program will be held fully indoors inside the Heald Center at the J.K. Lilly III Automobile Gallery. In any weather situation, we will meet and conclude our session indoors.
Program fees fund Heritage’s mission to inspire people of all ages to explore, discover, and learn together. Thank you for your support. Program Registration Fee: $30 Members, $40 Non-Members
Mal Condon, Curator of Hydrangeas:
A lifelong gardener, Mal is locally known as “The Hydrangea Guy” and has been collecting, propagating, and growing hydrangeas for nearly 50 years. He and his wife Mary Kay owned and operated Hydrangea Farm Nursery on Nantucket Island for many years. Early in 2014 they “retired” to Yarmouth Port on Cape Cod and continue to refine their significant garden which is open during the annual Cape Cod Hydrangea Festival. Mal joined Heritage in 2016, and as the “hydrangea whisperer” on the property, he’s especially devoted to the continuing expansion and evolution of the Hydrangea Display Garden and the North American Hydrangea Test Garden.
- MEMBER: $30
- EMAIL: programming@heritagemuseums.org
Mal CondonCurator of Hydrangeas
A lifelong gardener, Mal is locally known as “The Hydrangea Guy” and has been collecting, propagating, and growing hydrangeas for nearly 50 years. He and his wife Mary Kay owned and operated Hydrangea Farm Nursery on Nantucket Island for many years. Early in 2014 they “retired” to Yarmouth Port on Cape Cod and now continue to refine another significant garden creation which is open during the annual Cape Cod Hydrangea Festival. Mal joined Heritage in 2016, and as the “hydrangea whisperer” on the property, he’s especially devoted to the continuing expansion and evolution of the Hydrangea Display Garden and the North American Hydrangea Test Garden. He also loves to teach and regularly shares his wisdom through a variety of workshops at Heritage.