Pruning Hydrangeas: Steps 2 & 3 Detail and Pinch Pruning – All Major Species Afternoon Session Option
Pruning Hydrangeas: The Seasonal Approach
Steps 2 & 3 Detail and Pinch Pruning – All Major Species
Saturday, May 3: 1 – 3pm
Click here to choose the Saturday, April 27: 10 am-12 pm session
Heritage’s Curator of Hydrangeas, Mal Condon, has over many years developed the seasonal step approach to more effectively prune our beloved hydrangeas. This program is the follow-up to Mal’s Step 1 Regenerative Pruning program in March and illustrates a logical progression in hydrangea pruning. In this program, Mal will focus on Step 2 Detail Pruning for the species H. macrophylla, H. serrata, H. arborescens, and H. paniculata – in common terms, the ‘Big Leaf,’ ‘Mountain,’ ‘Smooth,’ and ‘Panicle’ Hydrangeas. Step 3 Pinch Pruning is exclusive to just the H. macrophylla and H. serrata species. This program demonstrates the continuing application of practicing specific pruning steps during specific times of the year to optimize plant form and bloom density.
The required techniques for both Steps are easily learned and practiced. Mal’s detailed remarks will cover the specifics for pruning each species and all the tools and tips you’ll need to address your plants. Timing-wise, Step 2 Detail Pruning is a May event and Step 3 Pinch Pruning is practiced in July. Mal has been evaluating both pruning Steps for some time on H. macrophylla and H. serrata cultivars. Step 2, however, is quite new to the H. arborescens and H. paniculata species and largely remains exploratory. Experiences to date have been encouraging, particularly concerning plant form and size containment. Mal will share critical details of what has been learned to date and will encourage you to contribute to this continuing and interesting development.
This program also includes bonus content, as Mal will additionally address two other important and timely subjects – fertilizing and bloom color control. Even with all there is to cover in this program, there will still be plenty of time allotted in this small group session for questions and discussion. Following the program, you’ll receive a PDF file including presentation content via email for your reference. Advance registration is required, and we expect this popular program to sell out quickly.
This program will take place rain or shine. In good weather, much of it will take place outdoors in the gardens. In the event of inclement weather, the program will be held fully indoors inside the Heald Center at the J.K. Lilly III Automobile Gallery.
Program fees fund Heritage’s mission to inspire people of all ages to explore, discover, and learn together. Thank you for your support. Program Registration Fee: $30 Members, $40 Non-Members
- MEMBER: $30
- EMAIL: programming@heritagemuseums.org