Health & Safety Practices

Heritage Museums & Gardens is committed to providing a safe and comfortable environment for our visitors, our staff, and our community. Preventative measures have been put in place in order to reduce the spread of illnesses.

  • Visitors are able to purchase tickets online and scan them for contactless entry.
  • Masks are available for visitor upon request.
  • Hand washing and sanitizing stations are located throughout the property.
  • Common surfaces are cleaned and disinfected on a frequent schedule.
  • Individuals who are ill are asked not to visit at this time.

Heritage continues to examine its procedures and industry best practices, and all federal, state, and local public health guidance. Please note that policies and specific museum and event offerings are subject to change without notice as evolving public health situations may demand.

The health and safety of our visitors, staff, volunteers, students, and community continues to be our top priority. We thank you for your help in contributing to a safe, fun experience for everyone.

Health and Safety Acknowledgment

Heritage Museums & Gardens has put in place preventative measures to reduce the spread of COVID-19 and other illnesses. However, a latent risk of exposure to COVID-19 and other illnesses is present where people gather in any public space. By purchasing or reserving a ticket to visit Heritage Museums & Gardens or to attend a program, it is understood that the visitor assumes any risk associated with these illnesses.