Past Exhibits

9 11, 2021

GI JOE: America’s Favorite Military Toy Created by U.S. Army Veterans

2023-01-10T16:24:23-05:00November 9th, 2021|Categories: Exhibits, Heritage Collection, Heritage Collection, Past Exhibits|

GI JOE: America’s Favorite Military Toy Created by U.S. Army Veterans Amanda Wastrom, Assistant Curator Working on this past year’s Let’s Play! New England Toy Stories exhibition, featuring New England made toys and games, meant doing a deep dive into childhood. Many of the most successful toys of the [...]

9 08, 2021

Exhibit Spotlight: Paper Dolls

2024-01-25T15:15:37-05:00August 9th, 2021|Categories: Exhibits, Heritage Collection, Past Exhibits|

Exhibit Spotlight: Paper Dolls Amanda Wastrom, Assistant Curator How do we decide which games and toys end up on exhibit? It’s hard! While the Let’s Play! New England Toy Stories exhibit features many well-known, classic games and toys (like Monopoly or Mr. Potato Head), we also highlighted the toymakers who [...]

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