From Carriage to Classic: How Automobiles Transformed America

Location: J.K. Lilly III Automobile Gallery
Open For Viewing: May – October 19th, 2025

In From Carriage to Classic: How Automobiles Transformed America, we present the origin story of the American automobile through 26 cars from Heritage’s permanent collection. How did the car emerge as a transformative cultural force of the twentieth century? What were early automobiles like? Why did gasoline become the fuel of choice? What ever happened to steam engines? How did the car change the daily lives of ordinary families? How much was a luxury car in the 1930s? Learn the answers to these questions and more. Come along for a ride from the late 1800s to the 1960s and watch the car evolve from a horseless carriage to a streamlined symbol of freedom and independence.

2025 Cars on Exhibit
Recent Automobile News & Blogs
  • 1925 Franklin

1925 Franklin Wins Prestigious Award

July 23rd, 2024|

1925 Franklin wins First Senior Ring Jennifer Madden, Director of Collections and Exhibitions On June 29, the 1925 Franklin won its First Senior Ring from the Classic Car Club of America at the [...]

Charging Ahead

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CHARGING AHEAD Jennifer Madden, Director of Collections and Exhibitions With the recent emphasis on the importance of electric cars, you may think that they are a recent invention. In fact, the first electric [...]

Charging Ahead: The Mercury Arc Rectifier

April 19th, 2024|

CHARGING AHEAD: THE MERCURY ARC RECTIFIER Jennifer Madden, Director of Collections and Exhibitions Although commonly considered a thoroughly modern invention, electric cars have been around for a long time. In fact, the first [...]