Garden Care

Garden Care2021-04-02T14:39:33-04:00

Hydrangea Care

The signature plant of Cape Cod is prized for its beautiful blooms.  Hydrangeas are not native to the area but perform excellently in the well-drained soil and the (slightly) milder winters.

Rhododendron Care

Grown on the Heritage grounds for 100 years, these harbingers of warmer days can range from one foot to 25 feet tall and bloom bright pinks to soft yellows.  Rhododendrons love the well-drained Cape Cod soil and bring some much-needed greenery to the winter landscape.

Rhodies in woods
1508, 2022

Monarch Butterflies

Monarch Butterflies Monarch Butterflies Need Our Help! Tips on how to support these iconic creatures By: Iris Clearwater, Senior Gardener When I was a child learning how to draw or color a butterfly, I would automatically draw a monarch. These were the most common and iconic butterflies of my childhood. I remember concentrating while adding distinctive black lines [...]

208, 2022

Helping Your Garden Through a Drought

Helping Your Garden Through a Drought By:  Les Lutz,  Director of Horticulture The drought we are in is serious.  The State of Massachusetts has declared the Cape to be in a Level 1 – Mild Drought.  I might argue that we are actually in a worse situation than the declaration indicates.  I’m certainly not a hydrologist and not [...]

507, 2022

Where Have All the Flowers Gone?

As New Englanders, we are well-versed in the constant change of the seasons. Living in this part of the planet, we are treated to a wide range of weather, and we have the opportunity to see how one season can affect another. For example, we know that a dry summer can lead to a less vibrant fall and [...]

1205, 2022

Japanese Skimmia

Why Doesn't Everybody Grow Japanese Skimmia? By: Iris Clearwater, Senior Gardener For the entire month of April, every time I turned the corner by the labyrinth, I was overwhelmed with a heady, exquisite perfume, resembling jasmine. It took me a while to locate the source to be a low cluster of beautiful Japanese Skimmia. I have already been a [...]

2604, 2022

Fertilizing Hydrangeas: Keep It Simple

Fertilizing Hydrangeas - Apply the KISS Approach By:  Mal Condon,  Curator of Hydrangeas One of the most common concerns for the home gardener regarding hydrangeas is fertilizing – how much, when and how? There is a lot of information out there on fertilizers, but luckily, I have found that a simple approach is the best approach. Hydrangeas typically require [...]

1511, 2021

Bottle Flowers: A How-To

Make Beautiful Bottle Flowers at Home! If you attended our Gardens Aglow event last year, you most likely saw our Bottle Flower garden. We've received a lot of questions about this upcycled project - and we're here to share with you how to bring this magic to your home. YOU WIL NEED: 8 - 20 oz clear plastic bottles - [...]

2010, 2021

Moving a Large Hydrangea – Relocating an Ancient PeeGee Standard at Heritage

Moving a Large Hydrangea -  Relocating an Ancient PeeGee Standard at Heritage A couple of years ago I ‘rediscovered’ two very old Hydrangea paniculata ‘Grandiflora’ tree-form plants on the slope of the Arbor Bowl at Heritage. Both specimens have accession tags indicating their presence at the time of the Lilly acquisition of the property in 1969. However, having devoted a [...]

909, 2021

Pollinator Tea Garden

Pollinator Tea Garden: Provide for native bees and use the leaves for amazing teas! Iris Clearwater, Senior Gardener There are many things that you can do to support both your own health and wellness, and that of our native butterflies and bees populations, which we need to keep our ecosystem healthy. Below, you’ll find some good general tips for [...]

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