
Garden Care

Garden Care2021-04-02T14:39:33-04:00

Hydrangea Care

The signature plant of Cape Cod is prized for its beautiful blooms.  Hydrangeas are not native to the area but perform excellently in the well-drained soil and the (slightly) milder winters.

Rhododendron Care

Grown on the Heritage grounds for 100 years, these harbingers of warmer days can range from one foot to 25 feet tall and bloom bright pinks to soft yellows.  Rhododendrons love the well-drained Cape Cod soil and bring some much-needed greenery to the winter landscape.

Rhodies in woods
1809, 2020

The Trouble with Tomatoes

Down To Earth by Les Lutz What a learning experience this summer has been. Along with many of my friends, I decided to grow vegetables this summer. The most rewarding, and the most challenging, have been the tomatoes. I’ve grown them before, but not in a very long time. I like to think that I’m a pretty good gardener, [...]

409, 2020

Vegetable Plants In Ornamental Gardens

Composition of the Garden: Line, Form, Texture, Color & Mass September 4, 2020 For some reason, vegetable plants have been relegated to the back of the garden. Many of us consider them to be the less attractive, and therefore they’re stuck in a separate area of the yard. But many of these plants are really quite interesting and [...]

1408, 2020

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

Heritage Is Developing Strategic Plans to Improve and Increase Their Sustainability Efforts August 14, 2020 Climate action can be categorized by three terms: Reduce, reuse and recycle. Heritage Museums & Gardens does these three things to become sustainable and stem the impact on the climate. You can do the same in your home or apartment. REDUCE: To reduce energy [...]

1408, 2020

Time For Herbaceous Perennials to Shine

Down to Earth by Les Lutz August 14, 2020 Mid-August is when ornamental grasses and many herbaceous perennials begin to shine. Beginning in late July and continuing through the fall and into winter, many of these plants are in their peak bloom. But there are many other plants that can be used to provide a show from now till [...]

3107, 2020

The Sandwich Enterprise: Daylilies

Oh, So Many Choices July 31, 2020 We’re now firmly in the season of full-flowering for many herbaceous perennials that will continue through late September. Plants such as Kniphofia and hardy hibiscus are just starting to flower, as are many ornamental grasses. One group of plants that never fails to impress during the month of July is daylilies. This group [...]

3107, 2020

Sandwich Enterprise: Mulch and Compost

Good for Plants and the Planet July 31, 2020 Dale Wall, the best landscape architect I know, states, “You want a $10 hole for a $5 plant.” At Heritage Museums & Gardens (HMG) in Sandwich, they agree. As part of their sustainability efforts, HMG produces all of its mulch and compost, two elements that play an essential role in creating [...]

3007, 2020

Boston Globe: Come to Tour Senses

The Healing Power of Some New England Grand Estate Gardens  July 30, 2020 Nature clearly didn’t get the memo about restrained living during a pandemic. In places where the natural world gets an ample helping hand from professional gardeners and groundskeepers, this summer’s blooms range from the merely exuberant to the utterly fantastic. Getting away to these estates for [...]

2507, 2020

South Coast Today: A Phenomenal Year for Hydrangeas

Here's What the Experts Have to Say July 25, 2020 DUXBURY -- Summer had barely begun when Chris Kennedy, landscape designer and president of Kennedy's Country Gardensin Scituate, noticed something missing this year -- all the people asking "Why doesn't my hydrangea bloom?" "In 25 years, I've had the least amount of questions this year," Kennedy, the third-generation head of [...]

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