
23 10, 2023

Three Sister Garden: An In-Depth Look

2023-10-23T10:12:41-04:00October 23rd, 2023|Categories: About Heritage, Exhibits, Heritage Collection, Now at Heritage, Wampanoag|

An In-Depth Look at Heritage’s Wampanoag-style Garden By:  Amanda Wastrom, Curator and Iris Clearwater, Senior Gardener Over hundreds of generations, Wampanoag people in this region developed a migratory cycle of living that followed the patterns of the climate and the land. They learned what resources were available and when. [...]

10 05, 2021

Wetu at Heritage

2024-01-25T15:45:38-05:00May 10th, 2021|Categories: Current Exhibits, Exhibits, Heritage Collection, Wampanoag|

Wampanoag Wetu Heritage is a wonderful place to connect to the past. Visitors can stroll through our beloved rhododendrons, peruse the objects in our Special Exhibitions Gallery, marvel at the cars in our Automobile Collection, and even walk the gardens around our colonial-era Wing house, first constructed circa [...]

17 11, 2020

Highlighting Wampanoag History

2023-01-10T17:23:05-05:00November 17th, 2020|Categories: Current Exhibits, Exhibits, Heritage Collection, Wampanoag|Tags: , , |

Last week was Thanksgiving, which, for many Americans, conjures images of roasted turkey, mashed potatoes and Pilgrim hats. For members of this continent’s many Indigenous tribes, it is an anniversary but not necessarily a happy one. Although the Pilgrims’ landing wasn’t the first time Europeans landed in North America, [...]

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