What type of tickets can I purchase using my membership discount?
Members receive discounted admission on regular priced Gardens Aglow tickets, Flex Anytime Tickets, and Gold Passes. The Santa VIP program does not offer discounts to members.
2022-08-23T16:56:04-04:00September 23rd, 2021|Categories: Gardens Aglow, Membership, Purchasing Tickets|
Members receive discounted admission on regular priced Gardens Aglow tickets, Flex Anytime Tickets, and Gold Passes. The Santa VIP program does not offer discounts to members.
2021-09-23T13:44:04-04:00September 23rd, 2021|Categories: Gardens Aglow, Membership, Purchasing Tickets|
The Benefit Package includes two Gardens Aglow tickets while Supporter, Friend, and Honor Society memberships include four Gardens Aglow tickets. All other membership levels receive a discount on tickets.
2021-09-23T13:43:16-04:00September 23rd, 2021|Categories: Gardens Aglow, Membership, Purchasing Tickets|
If you have a Supporter, Friend, or Honor Society membership or if you added a Benefit Package to your membership, you receive Gardens Aglow tickets. An email will be sent to you with a Personalized Discount Code that you may use to redeem your free tickets. All other membership levels [...]
Now Closed for the Main Season
Opening for the Main Season in Spring 2025
Have a question? Email us at info@heritagemuseums.org today!
Please contact us at 508-888-3300 x159 or x119, or email membership@heritagemuseums.org
Heritage has a zero-tolerance policy for verbal or physical harassment, discriminatory or threatening behavior, or interference with the experience of others. We reserve the right to require any person(s) acting inappropriately to leave the grounds.
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67 Grove Street
Sandwich, MA 02563
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