

29 09, 2021

I am a Member at Heritage and have a discount code that came with my membership. How do I redeem this for Gardens Aglow tickets?

2023-09-21T14:23:35-04:00September 29th, 2021|Categories: , |

There is a Gardens Aglow ticket discount code that accompanies certain membership levels and those with a Benefit Package. Please note: Benefit Package purchases on or before August 31, 2023 will be honored for Gardens Aglow 2023. Any Benefit Package purchases or renewals after August will have their benefits [...]

23 09, 2021

How Can I Contact Membership?

2022-08-23T16:26:20-04:00September 23rd, 2021|Categories: , , |

During the weekdays, please call 508-888-3300 ext. 159 or 119 for assistance. Starting November 26, weekend phone help will be available from 11am-7pm through our main number at 508-888-3300 ext. 0 Or you can email membership@heritagemuseums.org at your convenience

23 09, 2021

Where do I input this code?

2022-09-13T13:42:24-04:00September 23rd, 2021|Categories: , |

After you add the number of member and non-member tickets to your cart that you wish to purchase, you will be able to review your cart and complete the Payer Information. On this page, please enter your Personalized Discount Code in the 'Discount Code' box and click the blue [...]

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