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Thousands of Hydrangea Blooms

Begun in 2010, this is a partnership with the Cape Cod Hydrangea Society. The garden is a showcase of about 155 species and cultivars of Hydrangeas. The dominant species is Hydrangea macrophylla with Hydrangea paniculata and Hydrangea serrata also well represented. The Garden has grown each year and includes many ‘historic’ cultivars that are not commonly found in the trade. Hydrangeas are typically in bloom from Early July – end of September.

About The Cape Cod Hydrangea Society

The Cape Cod Hydrangea Society is a wonderful group of passionate people, dedicated to growing hydrangeas. The mission of the CCHS is to increase our knowledge and enjoyment of hydrangeas and to share their knowledge with the Cape Cod community. Find out more about the society.

The Display Garden is lovingly maintained by volunteers from the Cape Cod Hydrangea Society

Hydrangea macrophylla

A species found mainly in coastal regions of Japan. They do well in the Cape Cod maritime climate.

Colors range from white to pink, blue, or purple flowers, depending on the soil’s acidity. Blue flowers develop with acidic soil (a pH of 5.0 to 5.5) and pink flowers from alkaline soil pH (6.0 to 6.5). Aluminum sulfate can be added to acidify the soil, and lime to produce a more alkaline soil.

Blue Hydrangeas
Oakleaf hydrangea
Hydrangea quercifolia

Commonly known as oakleaf hydrangea

Oakleaf hydrangea’s year-long parade starts in spring when dark green leaves unfurl. Depending on the variety, the oak-like leaves can grow up to 12 inches wide. Flower buds form long, cone-shaped clusters that crown summer landscapes with color. The elegant clusters combine large, showy florets with small, budlike flowers. Unlike mophead hydrangeas, soil pH doesn’t affect the color of oakleaf blooms.

Hydrangea paniculata

Originated in the Asian mountains in high elevations

Very cold hardy from zones 3 to 8 and prefers full sun; the most drought tolerant of the species.

  • Growth Pattern: typically strong growers, 5 to 10 ft. plus height & width in bush form; great specimen plants as standards (tree form)
  • Very long-lived; some plants are 100 years old
  • Flowers on new wood (buds form in the spring)
  • Bloom color unaffected by soil pH

Panicle blooms feature clusters of flowers on a branch and typically open white with maturing shades of lime green to pink to mauve, flowering
from mid-summer to mid-fall.

Bobo hydrangea
Hydrangea serrata

Commonly known as mountain hydrangea

A hardy species of Asian mountain origin, growing in the
forest understory. Cold hardy from zones 5 to 8, prefers shadier locations – at least a half-day of shade; prone to leaf spotting in high sun locations.

  • Hybridizes well with h.macrophylla; often utilized in newer rebloomers
  • Growth Pattern: Upright bush of rounded habit, 2 to 6 ft. height & width
  • Mostly delicate lace cap flowers with only a few mophead choices; lace caps feature a set of smaller inner fertile blooms and larger colorful outer petals
  • Blooms early in summer on old wood (buds form in the fall) with slightly subdued bloom color range – whites, pale greens, pinks, blues and some reds depending on soil pH and cultivar

July 7 – 16, 2021

The Cape Cod Hydrangea Festival is an annual celebration of the region’s blue, pink, and white signature flowers and everything gardens on Cape Cod! This ten-day festival’s main attractions are the daily tours of private gardens, each designed and maintained by the individual homeowners and carrying a unique charm. You are sure to enjoy such eclectic spaces, not to mention the good feeling of supporting a variety of local nonprofits which will benefit from the proceeds of each tour. To learn more, click here.

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