
17 07, 2020

Enterprise Newspapers: Heritage’s Test Gardens

2021-07-05T13:08:21-04:00July 17th, 2020|Categories: Gardens and Plants, Hydrangea, News and Media, News and Press|Tags: , |

Heritage's Test Gardens Add To Hydrangea Research July 17, 2020 Hydrangea season is in full swing on Cape Cod. The Hydrangea Festival is underway, and this season is proving to be a pretty good year for Hydrangea macrophylla. Here at Heritage Museums & Gardens, the plants are in full [...]

1 10, 2019

Hydrangea Arborescens

2021-07-05T13:11:27-04:00October 1st, 2019|Categories: Blog, Garden Care and Tips, Gardens and Plants, Hydrangea, News and Media, News and Press|Tags: , |

The Species Has Much to Offer October 1, 2019 The summer of 2019 was open season on Hydrangea arborescens as I encountered/observed/studied the species in Cloudland Canyon State Park (Rising Fawn, Ga.); Cumberland Plateau (Sewanee, Tenn.), and the Blue Ridge Parkway from Oconaluftee (southern terminus), to 6,053 feet at [...]

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