
8 02, 2024

Welcome Center Capital Campaign

2024-02-08T12:03:10-05:00February 8th, 2024|Categories: About Heritage, Blog, Hydrangea, News and Media, News and Press, Press Releases|

Welcome Center Capital Campaign Announcement, July 12, 2023 Heritage Museums & Gardens Announces Capital Campaign for New Welcome Center July 12, 2023 (Sandwich, MA) Heritage Museums & Gardens, a beloved cultural institution known for its dedication to preserving and showcasing history and horticulture, is thrilled to announce its [...]

11 01, 2024

Creating Cape Cod Exhibit Giveaway!

2024-01-26T08:44:11-05:00January 11th, 2024|Categories: About Heritage, Blog, Exhibits|

Creating Cape Cod at Home or at Work These items have all found new homes! Thank you to everyone who showed interest. As we say goodbye to the Creating Cape Cod exhibit, we have some elements that made that exhibit special that are looking for new homes. Do you [...]

6 10, 2023

Creating Cape Cod Memories

2023-10-06T12:39:37-04:00October 6th, 2023|Categories: About Heritage, Blog, Exhibits|

Creating Cape Cod Memories By:  You, the visitors! After two seasons we are saying goodbye to the Creating Cape Cod exhibit on Sunday! Visitors talked back to us, leaving their thoughts about their favorite Cape Cod memory, and their musings about the challenges and opportunities they see for the [...]

5 10, 2023

Volunteer Spotlight!

2024-01-09T10:54:22-05:00October 5th, 2023|Categories: About Heritage, Blog, Gardens and Plants|

Volunteer Spotlight: Featuring Elliot Friend By:  Iris Clearwater, Volunteer Coordinator & Senior Gardener Upon entering the J.K. Lilly Automobile Gallery, you cannot help but marvel at how perfectly clean and well maintained the cars are, and think, Wow, who takes care of these?   You’ll also be amazed to find [...]

29 08, 2023

America II

2024-04-23T10:46:58-04:00August 29th, 2023|Categories: Blog, Exhibits, Heritage Collection, Heritage Collection|

The America II Model Ship By Amanda Wastrom, Curator Every exhibit needs a showstopper. That attention-grabbing thing that stops visitors in their tracks and (ideally) inspires gasps of awe and astonishment. That’s the dream of every curator after all: lots of pointing, closer looking, and exclamations of wow! and [...]

6 07, 2023

Where Have All the Flowers Gone? And Yet Another Chapter

2023-07-06T12:23:44-04:00July 6th, 2023|Categories: About Heritage, Blog, Garden Care and Tips, Gardens and Plants, Hydrangea|

Where Have All the Flowers Gone – and Yet Another Chapter in 2023 Mal’s Corner – CCHS Spring 2023 Newsletter As most of you know, I do follow the weather patterns fairly closely and am especially concerned with major deviations, particularly the sudden and severe cold events with temperature [...]

13 04, 2023

Volunteer Spotlight!

2023-04-13T15:11:55-04:00April 13th, 2023|Categories: About Heritage, Blog, Gardens and Plants|

Volunteer Spotlight: Featuring Joy Bogstad By:  Iris Clearwater, Senior Gardener Aptly named for the Joy she brings to everything that she does, and to all who have the pleasure to know her, Joy Bogstad has been volunteering here at Heritage for 15 years, ever since she and 7 other [...]

22 03, 2023

Concrete Distinction

2024-01-25T11:14:41-05:00March 22nd, 2023|Categories: Blog, Current Exhibits, Exhibits, Heritage Collection, Heritage Collection|

Concrete Distinction: An Interview with Artist Marybeth Lensel By Amanda Wastrom, Curator In 2003, artist Marybeth Lensel created Concrete Distinction, a site-specific installation on the grounds here at Heritage. Longtime visitors may remember seeing it while walking the trails behind the Arbor Bowl. When I first joined the staff, I [...]

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