Gardens Aglow

19 12, 2022

The Model Train at Gardens Aglow

2024-01-25T10:56:09-05:00December 19th, 2022|Categories: Blog, Gardens Aglow, Now at Heritage|

The Model Train at Gardens Aglow By Les Lutz, Director of Horticulture When I think of the holidays, I think of trains. Everyone loves trains. And everyone loves model trains even more. Beginning 2013, our G-scale model train became part of the annual Gardens Aglow event at Heritage Museums [...]

15 11, 2021

Bottle Flowers: A How-To

2024-01-25T10:49:41-05:00November 15th, 2021|Categories: Blog, Gardens Aglow, Gardens and Plants|

Make Beautiful Bottle Flowers at Home! If you attended our Gardens Aglow event last year, you most likely saw our Bottle Flower garden. We've received a lot of questions about this upcycled project - and we're here to share with you how to bring this magic to your home. [...]

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