Down to Earth

26 07, 2018

Hydrangea Paniculata: Dependable & Hardy

2024-04-11T11:10:52-04:00July 26th, 2018|Categories: Blog, Down to Earth, Garden Care and Tips, Gardens and Plants, Hydrangea, News and Media|

Let’s Talk about Hydrangeas! For those of you that read my columns, you know that I’ve devoted the last two to several hydrangea species. Specifically Hydrangea macrophylla and Hydrangea arborescens. This week I’m going to discuss the other species that’s common on the Cape, Hydrangea paniculata, the Panicle Hydrangea. As we move through [...]

22 05, 2018

Monitoring your Propagating Plants!

2024-01-25T11:00:58-05:00May 22nd, 2018|Categories: Blog, Down to Earth, Garden Care and Tips, Gardens and Plants|Tags: |

Monitoring your Propagating Plants! *Down to Earth is a weekly garden column in The Sandwich Enterprise written by Heritage’s Director of Horticulture, Les Lutz. For the full article with images please visit The Sandwich Enterprise here. Late last fall I discussed winter propagation of hardwood trees and shrubs. I decided [...]

1 04, 2018

Protect Gardens & Trees From Wind

2024-01-25T11:07:57-05:00April 1st, 2018|Categories: Down to Earth, Gardens and Plants|Tags: |

*Down to Earth is a weekly garden column in The Sandwich Enterprise written by Heritage’s Director of Horticulture, Les Lutz. For the full article with images please visit The Sandwich Enterprise here. The recent (never-ending) winds have me thinking about the science of wind and plants. While I don’t claim [...]

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