In 1915 Henry Ford had not yet begun to offer the Model T in a truck configuration. If a buyer [...]
1915 Ford Model T Coupelet
2024-01-23T12:30:30-05:00When Henry Ford introduced the Model T in 1908, it revolutionized the auto industry. For the first time, a practical, [...]
1915 Stutz Bearcat
2024-05-02T14:35:26-04:00The Stutz was one of America’s first real sports cars. It was designed for speed and racing with an early version of a performance engine. The car was built low to the ground with fenders, running boards, and lighting equipment which could all be easily removed to reduce weight. Stutz’s victories were highly publicized. Based on a favorable outing in the first Indianapolis 500 in 1911, Stutz adopted the motto “The car that made good in a day.”