
Heritage Blog

10 02, 2021

Hidden Hollow Facts

2022-05-13T16:38:58-04:00February 10th, 2021|Categories: Digital Press Kit|

Hidden Hollow™— The Facts Nestled in a two-acre dry kettle hole—a glacially formed depression common to Cape Cod—Hidden Hollow’s unique topography provides a stimulating and beautiful outdoor setting for discovery and learning. Children can climb stepping stumps, navigate log balance beams, construct forts, create nature-inspired art, build with blocks, [...]

10 02, 2021

The Hundred Acre School Is Expanding

2024-03-25T14:50:49-04:00February 10th, 2021|Categories: News and Media, Press Releases|

The Hundred Acre School Is Expanding and Renovating to Provide More Options for Families February 10, 2021  The Hundred Acre School, the Pre-K through Grade 1 STEM school at Heritage Museums & Gardens, will be expanding to add two new classrooms by renovating existing space in the [...]

4 02, 2021

American Elderberry

2024-01-25T10:30:31-05:00February 4th, 2021|Categories: Blog, Gardens and Plants|Tags: , |

Our beautiful elderberry in the herb garden. Sambucus canadensis or American Elderberry is a shrub that can grow to 12 feet, flowering in the summer and producing an abundance of fruits in early fall. The shrub prefers sun to partial share, and moist soil; but are generally easy to [...]

17 11, 2020

Highlighting Wampanoag History

2023-01-10T17:23:05-05:00November 17th, 2020|Categories: Current Exhibits, Exhibits, Heritage Collection, Wampanoag|Tags: , , |

Last week was Thanksgiving, which, for many Americans, conjures images of roasted turkey, mashed potatoes and Pilgrim hats. For members of this continent’s many Indigenous tribes, it is an anniversary but not necessarily a happy one. Although the Pilgrims’ landing wasn’t the first time Europeans landed in North America, [...]

14 09, 2020

CapeCod.com: Heritage Weathers Pandemic

2021-04-02T14:42:32-04:00September 14th, 2020|Categories: News and Media, News and Press|

Interview With Anne Scott-Putney September 14, 2020 Heritage Museums and Gardens has reported a successful summer and is ready for the changed shoulder season on Cape Cod as the fall approaches amid the COVID-19 pandemic.Anne Scott-Putney, President and CEO of Heritage Museums and Gardens said that all of their primary [...]

11 09, 2020

Cape Cod Times: Car Show & Extended Season

2024-05-15T09:51:06-04:00September 11th, 2020|Categories: Automobiles, News and Media, News and Press|

Annual Auto Show Highlights The Classic Corvair September 11, 2020 Face masks, six-foot distancing, Zoom and elbow bumps: In some ways, Cape Cod’s summer season at cultural destinations has been topsy-turvy, with many events re-thought or restructured due to the unpredictability of the COVID-19 pandemic. Despite changes, programs and [...]

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