Current Exhibits

13 05, 2024

Alfred Glover in the Garden

2024-05-22T11:32:22-04:00May 13th, 2024|Categories: Blog, Current Exhibits, Exhibits, Heritage Collection|

Alfred Glover in the Garden: An Interview with Alfred Glover By Amanda Wastrom, Curator This season, we are thrilled to have Alfred Glover’s whimsical, folk-art style sculptures populating the grounds and gardens at Heritage. For over four decades, Glover has lived and worked on Cape Cod, making art in [...]

19 04, 2024

Charging Ahead

2024-05-09T11:32:16-04:00April 19th, 2024|Categories: Automobiles, Current Exhibits, Exhibits|

CHARGING AHEAD Jennifer Madden, Director of Collections and Exhibitions With the recent emphasis on the importance of electric cars, you may think that they are a recent invention. In fact, the first electric car was made in Scotland almost two hundred years ago! Of course, that vehicle was [...]

19 04, 2024

Charging Ahead: The Mercury Arc Rectifier

2024-04-20T08:18:24-04:00April 19th, 2024|Categories: Automobiles, Current Exhibits, Exhibits|

CHARGING AHEAD: THE MERCURY ARC RECTIFIER Jennifer Madden, Director of Collections and Exhibitions Although commonly considered a thoroughly modern invention, electric cars have been around for a long time. In fact, the first electric car was made in Scotland almost two hundred years ago! Of course, that vehicle [...]

22 03, 2023

Concrete Distinction

2024-01-25T11:14:41-05:00March 22nd, 2023|Categories: Blog, Current Exhibits, Exhibits, Heritage Collection, Heritage Collection|

Concrete Distinction: An Interview with Artist Marybeth Lensel By Amanda Wastrom, Curator In 2003, artist Marybeth Lensel created Concrete Distinction, a site-specific installation on the grounds here at Heritage. Longtime visitors may remember seeing it while walking the trails behind the Arbor Bowl. When I first joined the staff, I [...]

10 05, 2022

Virtual Visit Old Colony History Museum

2024-03-26T10:41:28-04:00May 10th, 2022|Categories: About Heritage, Automobiles, Current Exhibits, Exhibits, Heritage Collection, Now at Heritage|

Old Colony History Museum Virtual Visit: Heritage Museums & Gardens Heritage Museums & Gardens was delighted to be featured on Old Colony History Museum's Virtual Visits program on Friday, May 6! This live Zoom program featured a 30-minute video tour of Heritage, focusing on the Creating Cape Cod exhibit, [...]

10 05, 2021

Wetu at Heritage

2024-01-25T15:45:38-05:00May 10th, 2021|Categories: Current Exhibits, Exhibits, Heritage Collection, Wampanoag|

Wampanoag Wetu Heritage is a wonderful place to connect to the past. Visitors can stroll through our beloved rhododendrons, peruse the objects in our Special Exhibitions Gallery, marvel at the cars in our Automobile Collection, and even walk the gardens around our colonial-era Wing house, first constructed circa [...]

17 11, 2020

Highlighting Wampanoag History

2023-01-10T17:23:05-05:00November 17th, 2020|Categories: Current Exhibits, Exhibits, Heritage Collection, Wampanoag|Tags: , , |

Last week was Thanksgiving, which, for many Americans, conjures images of roasted turkey, mashed potatoes and Pilgrim hats. For members of this continent’s many Indigenous tribes, it is an anniversary but not necessarily a happy one. Although the Pilgrims’ landing wasn’t the first time Europeans landed in North America, [...]

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