Gardens and Plants

15 11, 2021

Bottle Flowers: A How-To

2024-01-25T10:49:41-05:00November 15th, 2021|Categories: Blog, Gardens Aglow, Gardens and Plants|

Make Beautiful Bottle Flowers at Home! If you attended our Gardens Aglow event last year, you most likely saw our Bottle Flower garden. We've received a lot of questions about this upcycled project - and we're here to share with you how to bring this magic to your home. [...]

20 10, 2021

Moving a Large Hydrangea – Relocating an Ancient PeeGee Standard at Heritage

2024-03-26T11:02:24-04:00October 20th, 2021|Categories: Blog, Gardens and Plants, Hydrangea, Now at Heritage|

Moving a Large Hydrangea -  Relocating an Ancient PeeGee Standard at Heritage A couple of years ago I ‘rediscovered’ two very old Hydrangea paniculata ‘Grandiflora’ tree-form plants on the slope of the Arbor Bowl at Heritage. Both specimens have accession tags indicating their presence at the time of the [...]

14 07, 2021

North American Hydrangea Test Garden Opens

2024-01-25T15:23:03-05:00July 14th, 2021|Categories: About Heritage, Blog, Hydrangea, News and Media, News and Press, Press Releases|

Ribbon-cutting ceremony Wednesday, July 14 North American Hydrangea Test Garden Opens July 12, 2021 (Sandwich, MA) – Heritage Museums & Gardens, the largest public garden in Southern New England, will celebrate one of Cape Cod’s most iconic plants this summer during the Cape-wide Hydrangea Festival, July 9-18. [...]

27 05, 2021

Managing an Historic Collection of Rhododendrons

2021-07-05T12:53:07-04:00May 27th, 2021|Categories: About Heritage, Blog, Garden Care and Tips, Gardens and Plants, Rhododendron, Uncategorized|

Managing an Historic Collection of Rhododendrons Ambling the paths at Heritage Museums and Gardens is an invitation to revel in a kaleidoscope of bright pinks, lavenders, purple and cream-colored flowers contrasted against a dark green wall of shining leaves. Rhododendrons are regal plants that calm the spirit. [...]

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