
Gardens and Plants

4 02, 2021

American Elderberry

2024-01-25T10:30:31-05:00February 4th, 2021|Categories: Blog, Gardens and Plants|Tags: , |

Our beautiful elderberry in the herb garden. Sambucus canadensis or American Elderberry is a shrub that can grow to 12 feet, flowering in the summer and producing an abundance of fruits in early fall. The shrub prefers sun to partial share, and moist soil; but are generally easy to [...]

14 08, 2020

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

2022-01-13T15:23:14-05:00August 14th, 2020|Categories: Blog, Gardens and Plants, News and Media, News and Press|

Heritage Is Developing Strategic Plans to Improve and Increase Their Sustainability Efforts August 14, 2020 Climate action can be categorized by three terms: Reduce, reuse and recycle. Heritage Museums & Gardens does these three things to become sustainable and stem the impact on the climate. You can do [...]

25 07, 2020

South Coast Today: A Phenomenal Year for Hydrangeas

2024-04-11T11:12:24-04:00July 25th, 2020|Categories: Gardens and Plants, Hydrangea, News and Media, News and Press|Tags: |

Here's What the Experts Have to Say July 25, 2020 DUXBURY -- Summer had barely begun when Chris Kennedy, landscape designer and president of Kennedy's Country Gardensin Scituate, noticed something missing this year -- all the people asking "Why doesn't my hydrangea bloom?" "In 25 years, I've had the [...]

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