Top Ten Toys Made in New England
Hi, I’m Amanda, Assistant Curator here at Heritage. I was the primary researcher for the Let’s Play! exhibition, now on view in the Special Exhibition Gallery. What a fun project [...]
The Trouble with Tomatoes
Down To Earth by Les Lutz What a learning experience this summer has been. Along with many of my friends, I decided to grow vegetables this summer. The [...]
Vegetable Plants In Ornamental Gardens
Composition of the Garden: Line, Form, Texture, Color & Mass September 4, 2020 For some reason, vegetable plants have been relegated to the back of the garden. [...]
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
Heritage Is Developing Strategic Plans to Improve and Increase Their Sustainability Efforts August 14, 2020 Climate action can be categorized by three terms: Reduce, reuse and recycle. Heritage [...]
Time For Herbaceous Perennials to Shine
Down to Earth by Les Lutz August 14, 2020 Mid-August is when ornamental grasses and many herbaceous perennials begin to shine. Beginning in late July and continuing through [...]
The Sandwich Enterprise: Daylilies
Oh, So Many Choices July 31, 2020 We’re now firmly in the season of full-flowering for many herbaceous perennials that will continue through late September. Plants such as Kniphofia [...]